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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.03.2010 16:35

Time is my only friend
It keeps me alive
But makes me pretend
Why can't I close my eyes
Just lay down by myself
And fly to the skies

Pushing me down, around and around
Trying to keep it in control
Tear me apart get a piece from my heart
And time has taken its toll
Now I'm broken
But I open my arms
and I yell to the world
But my voice can't be heard
I am stronger, no longer
in the dark

'cause you give me a reason
to go on

I, I feel the pain in me
it crawls through the walls of my darkest memories

Pushing me down, around and around
Trying to keep it in control
Tear me apart get a piece from my heart
And time has taken its toll
Now I'm broken
But I open my arms
and I yell to the world
But my voice can't be heard
I am stronger, no longer
in the dark

'cause you give me a reason
You give me a reason
to go on

I know what I want
And I know what I need
But sometimes I fall and I bleed

Now I'm broken
But I open my arms
and I yell to the world
But my voice can't be heard
I am stronger, no longer
in the dark
'cause you give me a reason
you give me a reason
yeah you give me a reason
to go on..

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