
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

  • - Shake it 19.04.
  • - 25.02.
  • - 20.08.
  • - 21.07.
  • - 18.07.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 17.06.
  • - 07.06.
  • - 07.06.

-Maanantai 06.12.2010 20:37

~kopio tämä blogiisi & lisää kuvat ohjeiden mukaan~
1 - Picture of yours favorite sweet
2 - Picture of yours favorite season
3 - Picture of yours favorite movie
4 - Picture of yours favorite fairytale

5 - Picture of yours mobile phone
6 - Picture of someone beautiful woman
7 - Picture of something sad
8 - Picture of something beautiful country
9 - Picture of something wonderful hairstyle
10 - Picture of something romantic

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