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-Maanantai 17.01.2011 17:09

I climb a tree, so mighty high
I see the world from just beneath the sky
The dreams I dream, they take me high

The air is thin, my thoughts are clear
I can feel something is in the atmosphere
The dreams I dream, they take me here
Beyond the last frontier

The time is now, there's no excuse
Everyone I know, I hope you like the news
The time has come, the curtains call

Will you catch me when I fall?
From the highest heights of all?

I climb this tree, the highest heights
From beneath the stars, I see little lights
The dreams I dream demand their rights
I've got no head for heights

The time is now, so stop the tease
And may I have your attention, please
The time has come, the curtains call

How will I ever know?
I've always gotta know
Will you catch me?

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