


diggailee natua <3

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R.I.P :<Torstai 20.03.2008 22:35

R.I.P Miia Permanto. ♥

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.03.2008 17:51

history is who we are and why we are the way we are.

:DDDKeskiviikko 19.03.2008 19:26

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 19.03.2008 17:37

You are not alone dear loneliness
You forgot but I remember this
So stranger, stranger, stranger things have happened I know
I'm not alone dear loneliness
I forgot that I remember this
So stranger, stranger, stranger things have happened I know

:'<Tiistai 18.03.2008 18:01

sinäpä sen sanoit. :DTiistai 18.03.2008 16:50

My parents used to told me
that I could be
anything I want, So I
became an asshole.

entiiä.Perjantai 14.03.2008 00:10

pöf!Torstai 13.03.2008 19:14

"This is 10 percent luck, 20 percent skill
15 percent concentrated power of will
5 percent pleasure, 50 percent pain
And 100 percent reason to remember the name."