



[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.11.2007 16:36

Life couldn't get better
Life couldn't get better

'Til now, the time without you in my life was full of darkness
But ever since I've met you, my life's been like a dream, baby

When I first saw you, a miracle
I felt the miracle, it was you

Life couldn't get better
I'll hold you in my arms and fly
We'll fly towards the blue moon
I'll kiss you when you're sleeping
Life couldn't get better
Open your heart and take my hand
Life couldn't get better

You've changed my ordinary life
And all the people in the world look happy, I wanna thank you baby

When I first saw you, a miracle
I felt the miracle, it was you

Life couldn't get better
I'll hold you in my arms and fly
We'll fly towards the blue moon
I'll kiss you when you're sleeping
Life couldn't get better
Open your heart and take my hand
Life couldn't get better

When I first saw you, a miracle
I love you baby and I'm never gonna stop

Life couldn't get better
I'll hold you in my arms and fly
We'll fly towards the blue moon
I'll kiss you when you're sleeping
Life couldn't get better
Open your heart and take my hand

Life couldn't get better
I'll hold you in my arms and fly
We'll fly towards the blue moon
I'll kiss you when you're sleeping
Life couldn't get better
Open your heart and take my hand
Life couldn't get better

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