
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.04.2006 03:21

I remember back
when the game was young
and we thought we had it made

It didn´t matter much
If our sweaters matched
All that counted was the way we played

Now the game has changed
It´s grown a lot
But I still get that feeling inside
So here´s for my guys
Who lived it all
I hope they get that feelin´ alright

C´mon let´s play
C´mon let´s play
Yeah, come on, let´s play hockey
Come on let´s score
Come on let´s score
Come on HIFK
Let´s play hockey!

It was every kid´s dream
To be a star
And I was like all the rest

With my brother´s old skates
I had me down the stick
And a storeblock bigly crissed

Now some dreams come true
But most dreams don´t
And all that´s left is how you feel inside

So here´s to all you kids
Who tried your best
Come on and get that feelin´alright

C´mon let´s play
C´mon let´s play
Yeah, come on, let´s play hockey
Come on let´s score
Come on let´s score
Come on HIFK
Let´s play hockey!

C´mon let´s play
C´mon let´s play
Yeah, come on, let´s play hockey
Come on let´s score
Come on let´s score
Come on HIFK
Let´s play hockey!


EDIT: no ei sitten prkl napata. Vittuako sellasel killuttimel tekiskää.

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