


Se on hankalaa olla mahtava.

!!Sunnuntai 13.10.2013 06:32

They say it's not right
And we move too fast
But they don't know the meaning
Of what we have

Wherever it is, I'll fly
Whatever it takes, I'll try
So don't pay no mind
To what other people say
Whenever it is in my life
Know that I will be on time
'Cause you know why
There's no standing in our way

When you're far and
We're apart
I'm really missing you
I wanna be where you are

They say it's not right (it's not right)
And it won't last (it won't last)
No point believing
What we have

And if you're lost
I'm gonna find you
I wanna surround you
With all my love

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