Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja


spoiled test..Lauantai 27.05.2006 05:48

If you've got 35 or more you're spoiled!

>[ ] own car
>[x] cell phone
>[ ] own phone line
>[ ] boy friend /girl friend
>[ ] own bathroom
>[x] own room
>[ ] 2 or more story house
>[ ] built-in pool
>[ ] guest house
>[ ] computer room
>[x] kissed on the lips or cheek by opposite sex
>total: 3

>[ ] tv in your room
>[ ] Queen Bed
>[ ] more than 20 pairs of shoes
>[ ] 10+ things from a designer store
>[x] good grades
>[ ] Dior sunglasses
>[ ] coach or dooney and bourke purse
>[ ] iPod
>[x] MP3 Player
>[ ] XBOX
>total: 2

>[ ] PSP
>[x] PS2
>[ ] Mercedes Benz
>[ ] basketball hoop
>[ ] air hockey table
>[ ] pool table
>[ ] ping pong table
>[ ] trampoline
>[ ] live ON a lake or pond
>[ ] own a pair of skiis
>total: 1

>[ ] own a snowboard
>[ ] has a boat
>[ ] has a jet ski
>[x] has a beach house/ cabin
>[ ] has a four-wheeler
>[ ] only child
>[ ] stereo system in bedroom
>[ ] DVD player in bedroom
>[x] 100+ dvd's
>[ ] gets $50+ for allowance each month
>total: 2

>[ ] goes shopping every month
>[ ] shops at demo
>[ ] goes snowboarding/skiing every weekend(or close to)
>[ ] makeup
>[x] cologne/perfume
>[ ] AIM
>[x] MSN
>[ ] Yahoo
>[ ] 5+ trophies
>[ ] own digital camera
>total: 2

>[ ]walk-in closet
>[ ] electric scooter
>[ ] dirt bike
>[ ] 4X4 truck
>[x] guitar/drums
>[ ] hammock
>[x] been on a cruise
>[x] traveled out of the country
>[x] weight set/ workout set in house
>[ ] personal fit trainer
>total: 4
>[ ] expensive jewelry
>[x] met a celeberty
>[x] straightener/ curling iron
>[ ] gets hair done/nails/spas
>[ ] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
>[ ] own batting cage
>[x] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
>[ ] own savings account
>[x] 1+ BEST friends
>[ ] been to the carribean
>total: 4
>[x] been to europe
>[ ] been to hawaii
>[x] been to NY
>[ ] shopped in seattle
>[ ] eaten at the space neetle in seattle
>[x] been on the eifel tower in paris
>[ ] been on the statue of liberty in NY
>[ ] been on the honor roll for 2+
>[x] been asked to dance 2+ times
>total: 4

>Grand Total: 28

>1-10: Average. you're pretty average. You live the life one can enjoy.
>11-20: Lucky Average. you have things pretty good. Enjoy them while they last.
>21-25: Lucky Flawed Average. you have a good life, with some flaws. Don't think of anything in vain
THIS---->26-29: Above Average. Woaaa! Where'd all that stuff come from!
>30-34: Tipsy spoiled. You're about to be spoiled! Don't accept things unless they are really willing to give.
>35+: SPOILED. You're spoiled. Isn't that great? Try giving stuff away...you'll like it.

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