We make food togerher
I like to eat this dinner next to you
We watch some movies together
and i like to keep my hand in your hand.
I like to fell in sleep next to you
I feel like having good dreams.
I love when you take me to swim
I makes me feel relaxed.
There has been such a rush.
To feel everything.
I feel myself such an bad girl while im with you.
Becouse of my thought, opinions and my feelings.
Im fighting with them everyday and i feel that i`ll loose it one day.
I wanna keep my thoughts in you
I wanna make you smile
I wanna see your happiness
I wanna feel love and care
I wanna us to be free
I feel quite often that im not able to give you anything
I can`t get myself the things that i would like to have
Maby time is the thing that is missing
There is something i want and you don`t
In a relationship i wish that there is something.
I wish there is little special things.
I would like to make some food for "the one" and see if he liked it.
I would want to see him sleeping well next to me
I would like to watch some movies next to him.
I would like to walk with him all around.
Someday i wish i could see him smile
Someday i wish i could hear his laught
Someday i wish i could feel his happiness
I want to feel his arms around me.
I wanna romantic acts witch stays in my memories forever
Just a silent voices speaking for ourselves
Voices of eyes
Voices of hearts
Voices of minds