
Tää biisi on kyllä niin puhdasta kultaa <3 Varsinki kertosäe

Sentenced - May Today Become The Day

Rain drums the lifeless ground,
drops as cold as ice,
the dawn's breaking, the trench a-shaking.

Their fire hits us all around,
and the siren cries,
"Forward! Forward!" - We go into attack.

May today become the day,
as I plunge into the grey.
Lead is flying, all the signs are there.

They all think that I am brave,
the strongest link of our chain,
but really I've gotta say that ain't how it's like.

Closing in, not slowing down.
Iron, fire, blood,
our line's breaking and death a-taking.

Our men from all around,
into to pools of mud,
"Forward! Forward!" There is no turning back.

May today become the day,
as I plunge into the grey.
Lead is flying, all the signs are there.

They all think that I am brave,
the strongest link of our chain,
but really I've gotta say that ain't how it's like.

The fall back -calling,
as our soldiers keep falling,
no, forward, forward! I am not turning back!

May today become the day,
as I plunge into the grey.
Lead is flying, all the signs are there.

They all think that I am brave,
the strongest link of our chain,
but really I... just want a bullet between my eyes,
Aim high.

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