
I still miss herMaanantai 01.08.2011 19:46

It's not that I want to return to those days.
I'm searching for the sky I lost.
Don't make that sad face, as if you've fallen victim.
as if you want people to pity you.
Tears aren't the end of your sins,
you have to bear them painfully, forever.
Who are you waiting for in this maze of emotions,
where you can't even see the exit?
I want to blurt it out more justly,
Just like how I wrote it in my white notebook.
What do you want to run from?
That thing that you call "reality"?
I Just want to scream out;
"I'm only trying to fulfill my wish." Can you hear me?
I can't take the safe way out of everything.
I don't even have a place to return to.
I'm always thankful for everyone's kindness,
That's why I want to become stronger. (I'm on the way)
This is reminding me of the old days.
This pain is all right with me.

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