Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja


Foolish little, dumb boy..Keskiviikko 28.12.2011 02:57

And once again, Im here to tell you a story.
This is for those, who has once loved,
This is for those, who has been betrayed.
This is a story, about me.

Vuosi on taas lopuillaan, ja on aika aloittaa uusi tarina.
Alkuteksti on ruma ja epämääräinen, kuten elämä yleensä
ja siitä toivottavasti muokkautuu parempi, kuin edellisestä..

Nyt tarvitsen vain aikaa,
pitä oppia unohtamaan,
olen pystynyt siihen aikaisemminkin,
pystyn siihen nyttenkin...

Can I have you, like once before?Sunnuntai 18.09.2011 16:18

He tought that he would be happy,
without her.
He was wrong, dead wrong.
Metsää peittää synkkä usva,
joka mystisesti houkuttelee uteliasta.
Rukkapieni sinne eksyi,
eikä usva tahdo pois päästää.

Mieli_kuvitusta_Torstai 01.09.2011 15:23

Maalaan tänään ton huoneen, valkoseks ni näyttää kovasti mielipuoliselta.

Piirtelin eilen illalla, en saanut ylläri taas nukuttua.
Ja haluan saada paljon uusia kuvia, ja kuvata ja ja ja...
Tahtoo :3

Tää huone on _hieman_ sotkunen, ei heti uskois et täs huoneessa on joskus asustanu nainen.

"Im still here,
I can breath,
I can FIGHT!"

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.09.2011 00:09

Jatkoinpa blogin kirjoittamista.

tänää purkasin huoneesta listat ja astuin naulat päälle,
ihana tunne <3

huomenna kyseisen huoneen maalaus. kivasti.

Syvä hiljaisuusSunnuntai 07.08.2011 22:26

Nuku rauhassa,
olet nyt jossain paremmassa paikassa,
jossa ei ole kipua ja tuskaa, ei murheita ja surua.


I still miss herMaanantai 01.08.2011 19:46

It's not that I want to return to those days.
I'm searching for the sky I lost.
Don't make that sad face, as if you've fallen victim.
as if you want people to pity you.
Tears aren't the end of your sins,
you have to bear them painfully, forever.
Who are you waiting for in this maze of emotions,
where you can't even see the exit?
I want to blurt it out more justly,
Just like how I wrote it in my white notebook.
What do you want to run from?
That thing that you call "reality"?
I Just want to scream out;
"I'm only trying to fulfill my wish." Can you hear me?
I can't take the safe way out of everything.
I don't even have a place to return to.
I'm always thankful for everyone's kindness,
That's why I want to become stronger. (I'm on the way)
This is reminding me of the old days.
This pain is all right with me.

Wonderland (Revisited)Tiistai 26.07.2011 17:27

Sun has died,
grass ain't green.
Theres nothing left to save,
Everything is dying.
Rebuilding all of this,
is impossible to do alone.
I can't.

..I shall have total control,
It's my life, my mind, my wonderland.
" Never ever talk, never ever smile
Knowing that my life won't be the same
Never ever touch, never ever feel
I will never hear you call my name
Never ever talk, never ever smile
All I see: a future full of fear
Never ever touch, never ever feel
I can never whisper in your ear …I'm sorry "

Yet again, I keep failing,
sailin' on the dark, bottomless sea,
sea full of madness, full of sorrow,
images from past, shattered mirrors, memories.
But not yet, my time ain't now.
Can't collapse, my body won't give up,
Not yet.
Hmm... Olen aika paljon MMORPG:den )Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) ystävä, joten mä valitsen:

Day 06 – Your favourite level from a video game
Day 07 – Your least favourite level from a video game
Day 08 – Your favourite ability from a video game
Day 09 – Your favourite boss battle in a video game
Day 10 – The most challenging level you’ve played in a video game
Day 11 – The game you’ve spent the most time playing
Day 12 – The hardest video game you’ve ever played
Day 13 – Your favourite story in a video game
Day 14 – Your favourite scene or moment from a video game
Day 15 – Funniest moment in a video game
Day 16 – Your favourite main character from a video game
Day 17 – Most evil villain from a video game
Day 18 – Your favourite side-character from a video game
Day 19 – Your least favourite character in a video game
Day 20 – Hottest video game character
Day 21 – Your favourite cinematic from a video game
Day 22 – Your favourite song from a video game
Day 23 – Game with the best graphics or art style
Day 24 – Your favourite gaming genre
Day 25 – Your favourite console
Day 26 – Your favourite games development company
Day 27 – An upcoming game you’re looking forward too
Day 28 – The worst sequel to a game
Day 29 – Most obscure game you've ever played
Day 30 – The last game you bought