


i'm still in love with the illusion

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.08.2007 22:31

Though you are not here
wherever I go or whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so
I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes
secretly giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share
I don't like missing you
It is a very cold
and lonely feeling
I wish that I could be
with you right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be
with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz


Tomas tuu jo sielt treeneist ;(( Eikä se ollu sun vika, ei oikeesti ollu! Etkä sä mkn kusipää oo :((<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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