"Forest seems to be at ease"
"Should it be so for eternity, ..."
"But it can't, for there shalt be other thou we shall fight in the future. We cannot stop here. We must prepare for the fut..."
"Brother, is it truly so. Can't the world be in peace?"
"No, it can't, little sister. Thou it shall have time to heal, but it will fall on to war beoynd our life. It can't be helped. It is..."
"Stop it! I already know it. Don't say it again... not again. Your words are full of hatred, but can't you rest for a moment. Let the worries be gone. Rest with me, with us. Your kind, brother? Could you, for a moment."
Pätkä kirjasta, jonka vielä joskus julkaisen, kun pääsen eroon opiskelusta, armeijasta ja pakollisesta vakituisen työn hankinnasta.
Kirjoitan sen vielä, kun saan aikaa.