
Omg, man in italy wtf?!Perjantai 07.09.2007 02:31

Hello everyone, well as you can propably see, I'm writing stuf in english 'cause the a with dots on in doesn't exist in Italian keyboards. So first things first, it's hot in here. Like I don't mean finnish-hot I mean like mediterranean hot. Also the place has approximately one million inhabitants so compared to ivalo and the 3000 inhabitants it's quite huge. I have only seen the streets where i live for now, but tomorrow were going to the city to see my school. My school starts in monday I think so for the weekend it's just a fun holiday for me. But anyways, it has been cool so far and I'll try to keep all the bastards that read this shit update so they know what I'm doing and how I'm doing and what I've done so far. Anyways, buena notte you all and keep the metal alive in Finland for me /,,/

-Antti (giovedi septembre 2007 22.30, Palermo Italy)

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