
<3Perjantai 03.07.2009 14:34

Talking smooth and play by rules, like a lady
Hang on loose and always stay cool, like a lady

Listen to the songs and learn to sing along, on the radio, radio
Fire in my eyes and boys on my mind, they come and go, come and go

Kiss every man while you still can, like a lady
And pull your self up and dance til' you drop, I'm your baby, baby

Listen to the songs and learn to sing along, on the radio, radio
Fire in my eyes and boys on my mind, they're mine you know!

Tonight, my baby
We've got a love so strong
Let the thing go on
And it's alright my baby
If it feels so good
Than it can't be wrong

You kiss every man while you still can, like a lady
You pull yourself up and dance til' you drop, I'm your baby, baby

Listen to the songs and learn to sing along, on the radio, radio
Fire in my eyes and boys by my side, They're mine you know!

[Chorus x2]

Listen to the songs and learn to sing along, on the radio, radio
Fire in my eyes, and boys on my mind, they come and go, come and go

[Chorus x2]

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