
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.04.2006 00:55

Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people. After that, name 6 person who have to this too, and tell them that you have challenged them!

This is a lot funnier if you actually list the names first!! No cheating!!! And do NOT put them in any order.

1. reine
2. ronja
3. tomas
4. Jenna
5. tomppa
6. ellu
7. virpi
8. ville w.
9. ville L.
10. ranja
11. emmi
12. vilma
13. totte
14. juska
15. roni
16. joonas
17. samppa
18. pommi
19. ölli
20. hipu
21. järskä

Now answer the questions according to the names listed above.

How did you meet 10?

What would you do if you had never met 6?
*en varmaan mitään ihmeempää... olisin kokemusta köyhempi

Have you ever seen 4 cry?
*joo en oo

Would 13 and 21 make a good couple?
*ei todellakaa

Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
*naisia ja serkuksia kun ovat ni en usko

Describe 8:
*sovinisti sika :D:D:D

What is 5's favorite music?

Would you ever date 21?

Is 5 single?

What does number 17 think of you?
*no en usko että se minuu vihaa...

What's 20's last name?
*onhan se

Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 6?

Where does 3 live?

What do you think about 18?..
*ihan hyvä jätkä

What is the best thing about 14?
*no se nyt vaan on hyvä kaveri

What would you like to tell 16 right now?
*pitkäst aikaa sinuuki näkee

How did you meet 9?
*koulussa koulussa

Is 2 more like a brother/sister to you, or would you want to go out with him?
*serkkuhan se

What is the best thing about 12?
*ihan tajuttoman älytön (älä ota tätä vakavasti vilma) huumorintaju :D:D

Are you going to know 1 forever?
*sisko ku on ni todennäkösesti

enpäs haastelekkaan ketään

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