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Hammerhead - The OffspringKeskiviikko 28.05.2008 00:54

I am the one
Camouflage and guns
Risk my life
To keep my people from harm

Vested in me
I sacrifice
With my brothers in arms

Trough this doorway
What's on the other side
Never knowing
Exactly what I'll find
Locked and loaded
Voices screaming
Let's go!
Come on do it!
Here we go

Take a life
That others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
It's playng over and over in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

Take a life
That others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
It's playng over and over in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

Stay the course
Reasonable force
I believe I serve a greater good

Smoke and dust
Enemies are crushed
Nothing left
Where a man once stood

Trough this doorway
What's on the other side
Never knowing
Exactly what I'll find
Locked and loaded
Voices screaming
Let's go
But I'm just doing what I'm told

Take a life
That others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
Shut my eyes
It hammers in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

Take this life
That ten other may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
It's playing over and over in my head
Where it begins
And where it'll end
Nobody knows

Bang bang it hammers in my head
Bang bang it hammers in my head
Bang bang it hammers in my head
In my head
In my head

Yeah though I walk to the through the valley of the
shadow of death , I will fear no evil:
for Thou art with me

Locked and loaded
Gonna find my truth
Now I'm busting trough
All hell breaks loose

And you can all hide behind your desks now
And you can cry 'teacher come help me!'
Through you all
My aim is true

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