
......Tiistai 03.02.2009 02:02

Steps toward my door. Calm, Frightening silence.
Someone is talking behind the door.
The speach then gets lowder and reaches the tone of yelling.
Someone is kicking my door, i'm scared.
Im shaking. Im alone and frightened.
Youre fucking drunk and i dont want to see you right now.
You couldn't even find your way home in that state,
but i cant just open the door.
Violence seen only when alchohol is involved..
Im scared of you in that state. Go away.
I don't want you here right now.
Finally, you understand, you go away.
Its freezing cold outside. There is snow everywhere.
Don't pass out in the snow,
but try and make it home in one piece.
I love you anyway, but not in that state.
Come back to me later.

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