
WOHOO!!! \,,\ /,,/Tiistai 28.04.2009 13:33

Walesilainen metalcore-yhtye BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE on valitettavasti perunut Tuska-esiintymisensä lauantaina 27.6. levytyskiireisiin vedoten. Alla ote yhtyeen virallisesta lausunnosta:

“Bullet For My Valentine are forced to cancel their appearances at DS Luzhniki Arena in Moscow and Tuska Metal Festival in Finland in June 2009 due to recording commitments for their 3rd album.

The band say: The past few weeks have been a bit crazy, and we apologize to all the fans who have bought tickets to the shows that have now been cancelled. It has been difficult to try and fit everything in around the recording schedule, but the most important thing is for us to finish the album(and earn more money).”

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