
rakastan<3Tiistai 28.04.2009 19:18

Muutamii mun lemppari kohtauksii OTH:sta

Nathan: Well you know me and Peyton broke up.
Haley: Peyton and I.
Nathan: What she broke up with you too?

NATHAN: Alright. This is my stop. Thanks for the ride, fellas.
GUY: This one's funny, Thing. Lets kill him last.
NATHAN: Wait. Your name is Thing?
THING: That's right. Thing.
BOY: And I'm Thing One.
LUCAS: Okay, wait. Let me guess. Thing Two.
GUY: Thing Three. Because I'm the third.

Haley: Did you ever pick out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Um, you know. You take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name, you put them together. What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know that. I had a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket. I loved Rocket. So, your mother's maiden name is Rowe. Rocket Rowe. Nice.
Lucas: What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny Bunny.
Haley: Yes, I did. And my mother's maiden name is Beaugard. So...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: Bunny Beaugard. Dawson's Freaks, starring Rocket Rowe and Bunny Beaugard.
Lucas: Nice.
Haley: Shut Up.

Peyton: Go Brooke yourself.

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