
This is how I know love.Keskiviikko 16.07.2008 20:56

I´m hurt, so I can feel.
I can´t get angry, so I am in love.
I can´t sleep, so I know I am thinking.
I can´t cheat, so I know I miss you.

I never feel complete. I am missing a part and I know where it is, but I can´t get to it. Life is full of plesures, they stimulate you only a moment. My future is a blank, luckily it is easy to build on that. Just do I have enough strength, I wonder.

Say "hi" to me, I might not answer. However, it may save my day.

Still there is hope, even it is a little and I need to suffer a lott before I reach it, I will hold on to it as long as humanly possible.

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