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- Vanhemmat »

JesusyTorstai 08.12.2005 17:05

I like to read the bible in public places so that people are watching me read it like on the subway... and then I just murmur out to myself "Oh bullcrap!"

onKeskiviikko 30.11.2005 16:40

I had dyslexia as a child, and I used to write about it in my dairy.

Zalazar.... my fatherMaanantai 21.11.2005 19:04

vittu on väsy.

Dear people of the WorldLauantai 19.11.2005 00:21

aah... lotrin hobbittimusa ja ostosteevee <3
oikeesti tarvin magic bulletin.kiinnosti.oink.

- Vanhemmat »