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XDDDMaanantai 30.10.2006 14:59

Axel Foley: Yeah. I was wondering how much something like this went for.
Serge: One hundred thirty thousand dollar.
Axel Foley: Get the fuck out of here!
Serge: [laughing] No, I can't! I'm serious! It's very important piece.
Axel Foley: Have you ever sold one?
Serge: [proudly] Sold one yesterday to collector.
Axel Foley: Get the fuck out of here!
Serge: No! I sold it myself!

OOLauantai 28.10.2006 00:33

Get the Fuck outta here! :D

UULauantai 28.10.2006 00:31

Get the fuck outta here

paulaTorstai 26.10.2006 11:45

paula vartis wtf???

PuuuuTorstai 26.10.2006 11:41


EileenTorstai 26.10.2006 11:40

eilinen meni myöhään, mutta husband oli kova... vai oliko...? no eip, mutta PAULA KOIVUNIEMI WTF!

the mamas and the papasTiistai 10.10.2006 04:24

U talkin' jive! Bitch! tänää ex-girl uuu....

Jimmy was a little boy down the street(?),
never understood why he had to be...
born in the wilderness - Dr. Nitro - Jimmy of the wilderness-

PoppuTiistai 03.10.2006 18:35

Vein tänää em cityyn pullaa...
ja posse-merge ei onnistunu...
ja noi muslimit on aikalailla niskan päällä.

SivarihomojunttipellelusmunarkkariMaanantai 03.07.2006 12:17

näihin sanoihin se on hyvä tiivistää... vittu, on tylsää.

vieläkin krapula :DTiistai 20.06.2006 20:18

\,,/.....I believe them bones are me.....some say we're born into the grave... diididi didi didi dididi diidyddy.... \,,/
viikonlopun voimasanastoa: HEY RIGGS! hmm... aliens ahead, spread out, DEATH FROM ABOVE, dance into the fire... held to 1.08 HELD 1.08! sean baptiste emmanuel Zorg... where did he learn to negotiate like that - I'me the cashhhhh... sir, are you classified as human - negative, I am a meat popsicle... smoke uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu