
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.04.2006 01:53

It seems that there is something,
something i should know
But I dont wanna ask you
Ask you what i'm supposed to do

You say that I dont treat you
That way I used to do before
That I am only running away
Every time when you want me to stay

I wanna love you
Like the sailor loves the sea
I really want to but please let me be
'n' I got so much things on my mind
And you know that I can't waste any time

I wanna make you feel
Something that you used to feel before

I know we got our problems
But fighting don't make any sense
And I dont think that i'm so bad
That you should be so, so sad

I wanna love you
Like the sailor loves the sea
I really want to but please let me be
'n' I got so much things on my mind
And you know that I can't waste any time

I wanna make you feel
Something what you used to feel before.

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