
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 20.06.2008 13:40

Hyvää juhannusta kaikille! <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.06.2008 17:37

Sex And The Cityä chekkailemaan tänään iltapäivällä.... xD xD LOL

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 06.06.2008 16:56

When you're the best of friends,
sharing all that you discover,
when that moment has passed,
will that friendship last?
Who can say if there's a way? Oh, I hope it never ends,
cos you're the best of friends. &lt;sydän&gt; luv ya bejbe &lt;sydän&gt;

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.06.2008 07:46

uudet lacostet o ihqut :D

Kat DeLuna | Run the ShowMaanantai 02.06.2008 09:22


[Shaka Dee]
Ha ha
Saka De man
GMB, first lady, Kat
Yo dun' know
Red One, let's go

Got you half flippin like fire
Come with me let me take you higher
I'm the object of all your desire
And your attention is all I require
Don't stop now
Cause you on a roll
Make me go anywhere that you go
I'm that dream in your head when you're sleepin'
I'm that secret inside that you're keepin' woah-woah

You want this don't front qué qué qué pasa
Speak up cuál es la cosa
Ven aquí let's get closer and closer

I say no-oh-oh
If you wanna take it slow-oh-oh
Catch up well now let's go-oh-oh
Together we run the show-oh-oh

I say no-oh-oh
If you wanna take it slow-oh-oh
Don't stop well now let's go-oh-oh
Together we run the show-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Bite your lips cause you know that you feel it
When I shake it you know you're addicted
I see you're lovin this dominicana
You like the way that I dance the bachata

Don't stop now, 'cause I'm on a roll
Give you that gutta you feel in your soul
My heart beats like a drum can you hear it

I know you want this don't front qué qué qué pasa
Speak up cuál es la cosa
Ven aquí let's get closer and closer

[chorus repeats 2x]

[Shaka Dee]
Black kat
Red one
Let's go

Me takin it slow, me takin it fast
Me like a train baby girl when me take in the pants
Me and you what I think that's what the aftermath
And after that me and you could just slip the cash
The pon and kat just smashin the party
After that, yo kat, let's mash up the lobby
Cause this is a dance and this is a hobby
It's fire in here and GMB got me

Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
Sure I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl

Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
Sure I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl

[Chorus repeats 2x]

Kat DeLuna | Run the ShowMaanantai 02.06.2008 09:22


[Shaka Dee]
Ha ha
Saka De man
GMB, first lady, Kat
Yo dun' know
Red One, let's go

Got you half flippin like fire
Come with me let me take you higher
I'm the object of all your desire
And your attention is all I require
Don't stop now
Cause you on a roll
Make me go anywhere that you go
I'm that dream in your head when you're sleepin'
I'm that secret inside that you're keepin' woah-woah

You want this don't front qué qué qué pasa
Speak up cuál es la cosa
Ven aquí let's get closer and closer

I say no-oh-oh
If you wanna take it slow-oh-oh
Catch up well now let's go-oh-oh
Together we run the show-oh-oh

I say no-oh-oh
If you wanna take it slow-oh-oh
Don't stop well now let's go-oh-oh
Together we run the show-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Bite your lips cause you know that you feel it
When I shake it you know you're addicted
I see you're lovin this dominicana
You like the way that I dance the bachata

Don't stop now, 'cause I'm on a roll
Give you that gutta you feel in your soul
My heart beats like a drum can you hear it

I know you want this don't front qué qué qué pasa
Speak up cuál es la cosa
Ven aquí let's get closer and closer

[chorus repeats 2x]

[Shaka Dee]
Black kat
Red one
Let's go

Me takin it slow, me takin it fast
Me like a train baby girl when me take in the pants
Me and you what I think that's what the aftermath
And after that me and you could just slip the cash
The pon and kat just smashin the party
After that, yo kat, let's mash up the lobby
Cause this is a dance and this is a hobby
It's fire in here and GMB got me

Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
Sure I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl

Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
Sure I'm ready my girl
Are you ready-ready-ready-ready-ready-ready
[Shaka Dee]
I'm ready my girl

[Chorus repeats 2x]

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.05.2008 18:22

tuntuu vähän hassulta nyt...
viime yönä nukkunut nolla tuntia ja tänään otin eropaperit skolesta.
hahah mitähän tästä tulee..?!? :O

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.05.2008 18:21

Love can be hard sometimes
Yes it can catch you off guard like bad crimes
Yes it can make you depressed and angry
Make you say why me why won't anybody try me

You might be saying ooh, I don't wanna be lonely
Ooh, I don't wanna be by myself
Ooh, don't wanna be lonely
Why ain't anybody lovin´me

But there's always someone out there who'll be there for you
there is always someone out there who'll care for you
there's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true
hold on, hold on, be strong

Love can go away forever if you push it
And you have to remember don't rush it
If it ain't right it is wrong
And you'll be crying why me, why won' anybody try me

You might be saying ooh, I don't wanna be lonely
Ooh, I don't wanna be by myself
Ooh, don't wanna be lonely -no, no
Why ain't anybody lovin' me

But there's always someone out there who'll be there for you
There is always someone out there who'll care for you
There's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true
Hold on, hold on, be strong

Yes, there's aways someone out there who'll be there for you,
There is always someone out there who'll care for you
There's always someone out there who'll be true, true, true,
Hold on, hold on, be strong,
Hold on, hold on, be strong
My child hold on, hold on be strong

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.05.2008 04:33

Penis pyytää palkankorotusta:

Minä, penis, anon täten palkankorotusta seuraavista
Teen ruumiillista työtä. Työskentelen syvyyksissä. Menen
pää edellä joka paikkaan. Minulla ei ole lomaa
viikonloppuisin eikä julkisina juhlapyhinä. Työskentelen
kosteassa ympäristössä. Minulle ei makseta
ylityökorvauksia. Työpaikallani on huono ilmastointi.
Työskentelen korkeissa lämpötiloissa. Työni altistaa
minut tartuntataudeille.

vastaus saapuu:
Hyvä penis, Käsiteltyämme anomuksesi ja harkittuamme
esille tuomiasi argumentteja työnjohto hylkää anomuksesi
seuraavista syistä: Et tee yhtämittaisia
kahdeksantuntisia työpäiviä. Nukahtelet työsi ääreen
lyhyiden työskentelyjaksojen jälkeen. Et aina toimi
johtoryhmän käskyjen mukaisesti. Et pysy sinulle
osoitetulla virkapaikalla, vaan vierailet usein muualla.
Et ole oma-aloitteinen vaan sinua on painostettava ja
innostettava työskentelyyn. Jätät työpisteesi jokseenkin
sotkuiseksi vuorosi jälkeen. Et aina noudat tarvittavia
turvallisuusmääräyksiä, kuten asianmukaista
Jäät eläkkeelle ennen 65-vuotispäivääsi.
Et kykene työskentelemään tuplavuoroissa. Jätät joskus
työsi kesken ja poistut virkapaikaltasi, ennen kuin
päivän työsi on tehty. Ja ihan kuin tässä ei olisi
tarpeeksi, mutta lisäksi sinun on toistuvasti nähty
saapuvan työpaikalle ja poistuvan sieltä kantaen kahta
epäilyttävän näköistä kassia.

Teidän , Työnjohto

NÄHTY!Maanantai 19.05.2008 07:59

Kommentoi tähän NÄHTY, jos olet nähnyt minut joskus reality maailmassa.
Sen jälkeen kopioi tämä ja lisää omaan blogiisi ja katso ketkä ovat bonganneet sinut !