


täysin ulkona itsestään.


- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.11.2008 22:52

Pää on kipeä
sisältä pimeä
Sattuu, satuttaa
Kaipaus kuvottaa
ikävä oksettaa
Rikkoo, rikotaan

Sä teet musta sairaan
sinisen ja harmaan

Orjatar likainen
(aina, aina)
pois enää pääse ei
(polttaa, polttaa)
Sokeesti sinusta sairastuin
(auta mua)
hukun vaikka uin
Sut väkijoukosta tuntisin
(silmät kii)
sidotuin silmin

Väärä, luvaton
tää peli mulle on:
pettää, petetään
Aion varastaa
jos en sua muuten saa
Jättää, jätetään

Sinä teet minusta perhosen
Kaunis ja lyhyt on lento sen

Auta Mua/PMMP

lolSunnuntai 26.10.2008 17:51

"Now we know why there was panic at the disco. Ryan Ross... was dancing."

Varastit sitten mun huulirasvat....Lauantai 18.10.2008 23:39

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 15:43

Pääsinpä eilen sitten sille väsymyksen tasolle, että tietokoneen pasianssin korteilla on elämä ja sosiaalisia suhteita. Kympit oli erittäin ilkeitä yseille ja normaalisti idiootit vitoset oli mukavia ja avuliaita... -.-

The Curse Of CurvesLauantai 04.10.2008 14:34

I've got the gift of one liners
And you've got the curse of curves
And with this gift I compose words
And the question that comes forward
Are you perspiring from the irony
Or are you sweating to these lyrics
And this just in
You're a dead fit
But my wit won't allow it
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse of curves
So with the combination of my gift with one liners
And my way
My way with words
It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lipped
And you're on the gossip team
You're making something out of nothing
And jealousy's the cousin, the cousin of greed
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes
The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win

We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah, that's where mine go
that's where mine go
We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah that's where mine go
Where the reality grows:
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

Her bone structure screams (I want someone)
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse, the curse of: (I want someone)
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
With skin you'll win
Skin you'll win

-Cute Is What We Aim For

The Church of Hot AddictionTiistai 30.09.2008 18:57

Just let me ask you:
Hey, have you heard of my religion?
It's called the Church of Hot Addiction
And we believe that God has lust for everything

Because now,
The time has come for your devotion
And you already got a notion
Of what I need
So give it, just give it,
Just give it to me

You're willing,
I'm waiting.
Turn out the lights

Tonight I am the drug you can't deny
Tonight G-A-B-E gonna get you high
My light is electric, hey hey hey
My light is electric, yeah, hey hey hey
My light is electric, hey hey hey
My light is electric, yeah, hey hey hey
My light it electric

Just let me tell you
Hey, you gotta get the Cobra bless now
You're really only selling sex now
But I can pay
The price you charge for what I need

Because I,
I've got a nasty new compulsion
And you've already got a notion
Of what I need
So give it, just give it,
Just give it to me

You're willing,
I'm waiting.
Turn out the lights

Tonight I am the drug you can't deny
Tonight G-A-B-E gonna get you high
My light is electric
Tonight I am the drug you can't deny
Tonight G-A-B-E gonna get you high
My light is electric, hey hey hey
My light is electric, yeah, hey hey hey
My light is electric, hey hey hey
My light is electric, yeah, hey hey hey
My light is electric

I've got electric eyes
And I can get you high
I've got electric eyes
I'm gonna get you

Tonight I am the drug you can't deny
Tonight G-A-B-E gonna get you high
My light is, light is, light is
Tonight I am the drug you can't deny...

- The Church of Hot Addiction/Cobra Starship

How I hope to God he was wroth itSunnuntai 28.09.2008 19:06

He runs. He runs more than ever. Faster, harder, stronger. He runs so long that his lungs scream him to stop. But he wonÂ’t stop. Not until the anxiousness in his chest leaves him alone. Not until heÂ’ll be able to breathe properly, without wanting to throw up. His feet ache, and the air burns his throat but he keeps on going, not allowing himself to stop. He hates the sound of his trainers slamming to the ground, he hates everything. He hates himself. He hates the feeling he has, when the carpet is pulled from under him, he hates the person who pulled it.

His insides turn over and force him to stop. And as he heaves over the grass, the contents of his stomach on the ground, he cries. He cries because he knows thereÂ’s no happy ending for this story. ThereÂ’s no forgiveness this time because he canÂ’t make himself say those three words.

IÂ’m so sorry.

He is afraid of saying anything anymore. Not now when all comes out wrong, when an apology could ruin it all.

He starts running again, his body protesting wildly. He shakes all over, tears drying on his face, feet almost giving up. People, who pass him by, give disgusting looks and mutter to their friends that “that man must be out of his mind”. But, oh my, they don’t even have a clue.

Suddenly he realizes where he is. He stops and collapses to the ground, his feet too weak to keep him up anymore. The fear of tomorrow hits him harder than before but heÂ’s too exhausted to care. He watches the house in front of him. Only one window is lit, curtains closed and thereÂ’s some casting shadows to the window. He smiles sadly, as he recognizes the figure. But then again, heÂ’d recognize him just by the sound of his steps.

The smile slowly leaves his face as he hauls himself up, and takes a few steps, as if to test is he strong enough. He glances to the window for the last time before walking away.

ItÂ’s better off this way.

A Decade Under The InfluenceSunnuntai 07.09.2008 01:03

Sad, small, sweet, so delicate
We used to be this dying breed
I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about this

You kept still until the long drive home
You slept safe and close to the window...
I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about...

Who's to say you'll have to go (I could go all night)
Well say you'll have to go (I could go all...)
To hell with you and all your friends
To hell with you and all your friends, it's on

Sad, small, sure in porcelain
You're skin and bones, I'm a nervous wreck
I got a bad feeling about this (when it comes to this)
I got a bad feeling about this

You kept still until the long drive home
You slept safe and close to the window
I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about...

Who's to say you'll have to go (I could go all night)
Well say you'll have to go (I could go all...)
To hell with you and all your friends
To hell with you and all your friends, it's on

I got a bad feeling about this (what is this for?)
I got a bad feeling about...

Anyone will do tonight
Anyone will do tonight
Close your eyes, just settle, settle
Close your eyes, just settle, settle
Anyone will do tonight
Anyone will do tonight
Close your eyes, just settle, settle
Close your eyes, just settle, settle
Anyone (anyone) will do tonight
Anyone (anyone) will do tonight
Close your eyes, just settle, settle
Close your eyes, just settle, settle

Well I got a bad feeling about this,
I got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it's on).
I'm coming over but it never was enough
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you
Well I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it's on)
I'm coming over but it never was enough
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you
Well I got a bad feeling about this
I got a bad feeling about this (to hell with you and all your friends, it's on)
I'm coming over but it never was enough,
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you
Well I got a bad feeling about this,
I got a bad feeling about this (in you...).
I'm coming over but it never was enough,
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you
I got a bad feeling about this,
I got a bad feeling about this (in you...).
I'm coming over but it never was enough
I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you
I got a bad feeling about this,
I got a bad feeling about this,
I got a bad feeling about this (I am you)
I got a bad feeling about this (I am you)
I got a bad feeling about this (I am you)
I got a bad feeling about this (I am you)
I got it bad (I am you)
I got it bad
I got it bad
I got it bad
I got it bad
I got it bad

- A Decade Under The Influence/Taking Back Sunday

... huoh ...Sunnuntai 31.08.2008 18:19

Mulla on taas vaihteeks tylsää. Kirjotin eilen koko päivän ja nyt ei vaan toimi enää... Yritin runoilla äsken, mutta uhm... Aika ala-arvosta tuli. Mutta laitanpa sen kuitenkin tähän, haukkukaa tai ihailkaa, rakentavaa palautetta otan aina vastaan.


You always say you want to live forever,
but how would you spend your days?

You always say you want to be immortal,
but how could you watch everyone else die?

How could you leave me lying here
With a rock on my chest
Suffocating me and slowly breaking my ribs?

I want to forget all you said.
I want to push you away from me.


Tiedän.... erittäin angstia, mut niin käy kun mä tylsistyn ja ahdistun samaan aikaan. Tää menee aika vakavaks, mulla on jo niin tylsää, että läksyt alkaa tuntua houkuttelevalta vaihtoehdolta. -.-

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.06.2008 04:16

Happy Midsummer!!! huoh, niin se kesä vaan menee...
- Vanhemmat »