
Hups ;)Maanantai 27.10.2008 20:21

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 23:12

Mun huoneessa tuoksuu jumalattoman hyvälle

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.10.2008 17:02

joanna was here

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.10.2008 17:00

mixu on homo

my bike PINK FLOYDTorstai 09.10.2008 23:39

I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like.
It's got a basket, a bell that rings
And things to make it look good.
I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.

You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

I've got a cloak it's a bit of a joke.
There's a tear up the front. It's red and black.
I've had it for months.
If you think it could look good, then I guess it should.

You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

I know a mouse, and he hasn't got a house.
I don't know why I call him Gerald.
He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse.

You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

I've got a clan of gingerbread men.
Here a man, there a man, lots of gingerbread men.
Take a couple if you wish. They're on the dish.

You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world.
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things.

I know a room full of musical tunes.
Some rhyme, some ching, most of them are clockwork.
Let's go into the other room and make them work.

Lisäää sananlaskujaa :DSunnuntai 05.10.2008 17:37

>Yhtenä päivänä olet pulu, toisena patsas.
>Organisaatio on kuin puu, jossa kiikkuu paljon apinoita, -joka oksalla - eri korkeuksilla - kiipeämässä ylöspäin. Huipulle päässeet apinat katsovat alaspäin ja näkevät puun täynnä hymyileviä naamoja. Alhaalla olevat apinat tähyävät ylöspäin ja näkevät pelkkiä perseenreikiä.

Sananlasku :DSunnuntai 05.10.2008 17:20

>Aikuinen mies on samanlainen legenda kuin yksisarvinen, lentävä lehmä, elämän omaava muro tai looginen nainen.

JoooTorstai 02.10.2008 01:02

ööh uus letti :DKeskiviikko 24.09.2008 01:28

Ei se nii pahaa oo pitää vaaa tottuu

mutt nyt se ampuminen vois loppuuu

(hurjat riimit :D)

Auts : (Maanantai 22.09.2008 23:46

Vitun pikkulapset haka mua saatana :D