Taas ollaan sellaisen päivän kohdalla, että saan ihan itse valita mitä vain. <3
Joten tänään saatte lukea mitä Benny ja Martin ovat sanoneet toisistaan julkisuudessa.
Benedict (Martinista):
"He’s extraordinary. During auditions, the minute he stepped into the room I said to the producers, I don’t know if you want my opinion, but I want to work with him, because he makes my game better. I honestly felt myself get better as an actor playing scenes opposite him — he has brilliant level of humanity. We all know how funny he can be from his work of “The Office,” but he can also play so much pathos — it’s an unsung talent of his that’s often clouded by his “Office” fame."
Martin (Benedictistä):
"He’s sweet and generous in an almost childlike way. He’s very easy to screw over. I could take advantage of him playing cards. Actually, I must take advantage of him playing cards. But as an actor, he’s one of the very few people I’ve worked with whose taste I don’t question. Even subconsciously I’m not going, ‘Well, I wouldn’t have done it like that.’ He commits."
“I think there was a friendship instantly between Martin and Benedict. They’re not at all like the parts they play. But the relationship between them really informs the much pricklier onscreen relationship. Because obviously Sherlock’s a quite cruel man at times and John is quite a put-upon man at times. But you won’t buy that, you won’t enjoy that unless you absolutely feel that in every scene, in every heartbeat that there is that proper, underlying warmth. That real, proper, solid friendship. And that friendship has actually happened between Benedict and Martin. And the value of that you get onscreen.”
Ja muutama kuva lisäksi:


Jep jep. Tässä kaikki tällä kertaa. ;P