Kunnes eilen sain tämän:
Do you like rainy days? Most people do not like raining if it continues for more than few hours. This is certainly is the case if it rains almost continuously for days together. Only few of us do really appreciate that rain has its own beauty. Do you agree with me that rain has its own rhythm? I can find this even when it rains heavily. Sometimes, it is very boring, as rain falls non-stop for days. It may not be very heavy at all. It may drizzle for days for days together without showing any sign of exhaustion. However, it will certainly be an oversimplification if we just stop here. We must try to look at the beauty that lies underneath.
Please come out and sit outside. You can see hundreds of thousands of tiny drops of rainwater that been settled on the leaves and grasses. They glitter brilliantly as they reflect light that has fallen on them.
I read your advertisement with interest. I will be very happy to know you more about you I shall introduce myself once I receive your reply to this mail.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Reaktioni oli kutakuinkin tämä:

Siis... mitäh? Pisteet luovuudesta, mutta en ymmärrä miten pyyntöni, että kertoo vastauksessaan miksi meidän pitäisi alkaa kirjeenvaihtoon, tuotti tämän tekstinpätkän? Etenkin kun meikäläisen ilmoituksessa ei mainittu sanallakaan mitään sateesta.