
Mulla oli hauskaa x))Lauantai 20.06.2009 03:07

Metro Stationin twitter:
Yo its Trace. we are in Finland. about 2 leave for soundcheck in a bit. last night was amazing in Helsinki. we are really excited 4 round 2

Tracen twitter:
Another day another flight. On the runway now. Goodbye to Amsterdam. Helsinki here we come. First time going there. Excited to see Finland.

really been slacking from twitter. been recording all day. at the venue in Helsinki. 2 nights sold out! im excited! tonights going 2 b crazy

first show in Finland AMAZING! you guys are insane! i guess i should say you GIRLS are insane. i dont think i saw a single dude tonight. hah

tomorrow night. same venue. sold out. i cant wait Helsinki! the love tonight was amazing. tomorrow night im sure will be even better.THANKS!

its very sunny in Helsinki! i cant wait for the 2nd show tonight!

Oh my what a night... Thanks Helsinki. Can't wait for the next time. We are family now. U gave us more love than we ever imagined.

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