


Youre just jelous, because the voices talk only to me

Snuggle SongKeskiviikko 28.05.2008 20:45

You are my sweetest love, this love ...
I always wanna hug,
because I really love you,
the world just has to know.
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.

la la la la ...

My love is deep and true
I'd be lost if not with you
So long it would have been
If not for you and me
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.

la la la la...

Our feelings are so strong
And our hearts will beat as one
Another ending story
Is what I have with you
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me,
with you I always want to be.

la la la la...

You are my sweetest love,
this love I always wanna hug, because I really love you,
the world just has to know.
I'll do anything for you,
there is nothing I wouldn't do.
snuggle, cuddle and then hug me, with you I always want to be.

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