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Blood and Tears

Repesin :DTorstai 15.04.2010 22:16

Kolme miestä oli baarissa. Ensimmäinen sanoi: "Arvalen, että minulla on pienimmät kädet maailmassa." Toinen mies sanoi: "Arvelen, että jalkani ovat pienimmät maailmassa." Kolmas mies sanoi: "Arvelen, että penikseni on maailman pienin." Miehet päättivät ottaa selvää tarkistamalla asian Guinessin ennätysten kirjasta ja lähtivät baarista. Ensimmäinen huudahti riemastuneena:"Käteni ovat pienimmät maailmassa!" Johon toinen:"Jalkani ovat pienimmät maailmassa!" Komas mies sanoi kummastuneena: "Kuka helkutti on Edward Cullen?"

miitun kaa puol vuottaMaanantai 12.04.2010 17:09


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.02.2010 19:08

I'm goeing fast, but i don't know why.
My veins are burning, it's like i drinked gasoline.
Don't get in my way baby, cos you are just gonna get hurt

I'm not scared cos this is cool.
My body is shaking it's like i'm gonna explode.
Don't baby scare cos this is suitable

Don't try to stop me.
Don't try to get in my way.
Baby this is life. And i'm living it fast

It's like i'm the bullet and i'm going fast.
I'm the killer and the beast in your head.
You can run but not so long.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 13:58

She's the daydreamKeskiviikko 27.01.2010 00:47

Her legs are long and thin.
Her hips are curvyer then pornstar.
Her lips are red like a blood in my veins.

She has an attitude like a tiger.
she got me from first look.
She's going straight to hell.

She's every boys wet daydream
She's the real deal.
She's in my head!

We know that you are not an angel.
And we know that that's tru.
But that is not a broblem.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.01.2010 20:55

Why have this darknes come to me
Deep in ocean the darknes is pretty much same
Should i run or should i stay and fight

Don't turn away
Don't live your life in dark
Don't turn away
You should live your life whitout fear

Bloody cradle, screaming children.
What is all these?
Is our god abandoned us all.

Turn on me
Run away, Run fast.
Turn on me.
Try to find our savior.

Don't turn away
Don't live you life with fear
Don't run away.
Don't turn in to self-destruction

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.01.2010 11:01

Why have this darknes come to me
Deep in ocean the darknes is pretty much same
Should i run or should i stay and fight

Don't turn away
Don't live your life in dark
Don't turn away
You should live your life whitout fear

Bloody cradle, screaming children.
What is all these?
Is our god abandoned us all.

Turn on me
Run away, Run fast.
Turn on me.
Try to find our savior.

Don't turn away
Don't live you life with fear
Don't run away.
Don't turn in to self-destruction

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 15.01.2010 22:06

Gather round to hear the story of final day's.

HIHIII ^^Torstai 07.01.2010 07:32

Pitkästäaikaa tuli taas valvottua yö ja nyt tainnu tulla katottua liikaa kaikkia pullaposkia joten minä menen tupakille. A(h)me(D)(N)