


Blood and Tears

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.01.2011 01:31

Tough the mountain's between us
I can feel your love tonight.
These night without you makes me crazy.

Remmember the time when our love was young.
When we were so innocent.

Has anyone told you ever just give up?
Has anyone told a reason to?
Don't baby bealive to them

All we need to do is hold on to our chains
Don't let go eaven if they burn your hands
Cos i know i will never let go.
I will never let you go...

Alltough I sometimes look like I don't care.
It's not that, it's just that it hurt's
you know love hurts

I'm whit you, now and forever.
How does it feal? When I say something like that?
You know i don't lie.

All we need to do is hold on to our chains
Don't let go eaven if they burn your hands
Cos i know i will never let go.
I will never let you go...

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.05.2010 16:34

She was a backstreet girl
No where to run, no where to hide.
All her life she strugled thrue pain.

But nobody couldn't stright her down
Nobody couldn't break her alive.

She was nearly child in street
She was nearly angel in dirt
She was a skid row beautyqueen.

She only wear black leather.
She only got her will to live.

With her stiletto heals, she walk trhue danger's

Long Live The KingMaanantai 17.05.2010 22:18

He's the man on the silver mountain
He's the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
He is the king.

I would give my all, to hear him sing on more time.
I could dive to the flames of hell to bring him back, cos.
He is the king.

Long Live The King!
Long Live The King!
Long Live The God of Metal!

We can still hear his music and voice.
But we can never see alive.

Now gather around to sing him the last odes

Long Live The king!
Long Live The King!
Long Live The God of Metal!

Reckless gigLauantai 08.05.2010 22:24

Voishan nää vitun ihqudaa wannabee rockari pissikset painua vittuun noilta rocki keikoilta ettei tarvis vedellä. Oli kyll niin lähellä et olisin tuhlannu hessun ja jallen yllätyksen niitten päälle vittu...

''siis meillä muka ongelmah!?!?''

Ps. Kengällä lyöminen on vitun rock ja sillähän tässä mailmassa pärjää! ;)

Miitu<3Maanantai 03.05.2010 01:26

I would give you the stars in the sky
But they're too far away
If you were a hooker, you'd know
I'd be happy to pay
If suddenly you were a guy
I'd be suddenly gay

'Cause my heart belongs to you
My love is pure and true
My heart belongs to you
and my cock is your property

You're the only girl that I like to screw
When I'm not on the road
When I come home, my dinner's made
And the front lawn is mowed
I'll kiss your mouth
Even after you swallow my load

'Cause my heart belongs to you
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do, for you
My heart belongs to you
And my cock is your property

I wanna make it clear
So you retain it
My dick's a free spirit
And you can't restrain it
No, you just can't chain it down

I love you so much it hurts
From my head to my feet
I think of you and I can't
Help but fondle my meat
I see your face every time
That I go out and cheat

'Cause my heart belongs to you
There ain't nothing that I wouldn't do
My heart belongs to you
And my cock is your property
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Repesin :DTorstai 15.04.2010 22:16

Kolme miestä oli baarissa. Ensimmäinen sanoi: "Arvalen, että minulla on pienimmät kädet maailmassa." Toinen mies sanoi: "Arvelen, että jalkani ovat pienimmät maailmassa." Kolmas mies sanoi: "Arvelen, että penikseni on maailman pienin." Miehet päättivät ottaa selvää tarkistamalla asian Guinessin ennätysten kirjasta ja lähtivät baarista. Ensimmäinen huudahti riemastuneena:"Käteni ovat pienimmät maailmassa!" Johon toinen:"Jalkani ovat pienimmät maailmassa!" Komas mies sanoi kummastuneena: "Kuka helkutti on Edward Cullen?"

miitun kaa puol vuottaMaanantai 12.04.2010 17:09


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.02.2010 19:08

I'm goeing fast, but i don't know why.
My veins are burning, it's like i drinked gasoline.
Don't get in my way baby, cos you are just gonna get hurt

I'm not scared cos this is cool.
My body is shaking it's like i'm gonna explode.
Don't baby scare cos this is suitable

Don't try to stop me.
Don't try to get in my way.
Baby this is life. And i'm living it fast

It's like i'm the bullet and i'm going fast.
I'm the killer and the beast in your head.
You can run but not so long.