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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.12.2006 00:57

Why should it be so bad to be bad,
When it´s so hard to be anything at all?
And why does everyone seem to forget
What it´s like to be all alone
- As soon as they
Have got someone, oh it´s no fun
It makes me wanna vanish and die
Maybe I´ll throw all my clothes
Into a waterfall
And sit and spy while they all cry
- You get so silly when you´re lonely
And you think that you´re the only
Who´ll say:
I hope that someone´s gonna call
And tell me this night is over
'Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older

Maybe you all would consider it a joke
If I say that I hate myself
But now and then
When I look into the mirror
All I see is a big mistake
(And wouldn´t you)
Well, I just wanna be fun
Just wanna be the one
Who makes you smile
I just wanna believe
That I could be something to someone
- Am I the only one around here,
Who´s not gonna live my life in fear?

I hope that someone´s gonna call
And tell me this night is over
'Cause I wanna start living my life
Before I get much older

(- I don´t understand you!)
- And why would you?
(- Can you tell me
What is on my mind?)
- I don´t have words to say
How much I think I owe you,
- We ain´t gonna live our lives in fear...

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