


The Supreme Hierophant

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- Vanhempi »

Sitaatteja ja vuoropuheluita osa 1Maanantai 04.01.2010 21:18

"I can forgive you everything, except the pastels"

"Where you are going to?"
"Planning my suicide!"
"Well call me and I´ll bring popcorns!"

"Absint? Teguila? Is there anything that you can sell me in the bottle?"

"Why you are so wet?"
"It´s a new look"

"Do you believe evil exist?"
"Have you met my mother?"

"Why you are so negative all the time?"
"Be cause, if I don´t I´ll get sick"

"Damned! It was third car what miss me!!!"
"Well that would explain me why you standing middle of the route."

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