


The Supreme Hierophant

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Cosmos seed withinKeskiviikko 20.02.2013 18:12

The weirdness start to happen every time when I go to sleep. The thing is that Last night I saw a dream where I was young law student from England. I was like in my 20's or so. But the weird thing was that I love to have sex with hookers. I might say that I'd enjoyed that too. The year was something between 1800-1900 century.

When I go to sleep I slip away too easily. At once I would love to see nothing but no! Dreams from beyond of imagination and I just want stay there. Why I have to be stuck in this planet? I want to leave and never return.
I can only wish that the summer comes swiftly and brings a new time and era in my mind. I wish to walk among the nature spirits and walk far and far away.
I wish to run faster than a wind and dive deep into dark pools where misty water lies down.
To see all wonders once again what I lost when growing up. To feel once again the dance within bonfires and call upon the strong infinite power at my will. Finally I could spread my wings and flew through the Cosmos.

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