


The Supreme Hierophant

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One hundred page broke!Perjantai 08.03.2013 10:24

So the story what I wrote is now in the middle :D Happy me!

The storyline continues, but how?

Call me SeleneTorstai 28.02.2013 20:57

..."And the moon was so bright at that night that I could even saw my own shadow reflection from the snow. The stars on the midnight sky were in brilliant shine and every where I could hear that strage sound. No! It wasn't a wind. It was loud humming voice comming no where and yet everywhere. It sounded like thousand voice were singing.
No, my pratner was already in deep sleep, but I couldn't get any sleep so I went outside to have a smoke. I watched the sky and it was beautiful. I wished that you could be there too."

"Then out of the woods I saw a young woman came towards to me. She was weraing the gown of the night. Black velvet cloack and silver hair so long that it was melted into a snow. The woman whispered heavenly sound into air. Prayers to the goddesses of the night. I was probably dreming be cause at the lake there was dancing Nyx and Hecate, joining their hands together and that woman went with them."

Cosmos seed withinKeskiviikko 20.02.2013 18:12

The weirdness start to happen every time when I go to sleep. The thing is that Last night I saw a dream where I was young law student from England. I was like in my 20's or so. But the weird thing was that I love to have sex with hookers. I might say that I'd enjoyed that too. The year was something between 1800-1900 century.

When I go to sleep I slip away too easily. At once I would love to see nothing but no! Dreams from beyond of imagination and I just want stay there. Why I have to be stuck in this planet? I want to leave and never return.
I can only wish that the summer comes swiftly and brings a new time and era in my mind. I wish to walk among the nature spirits and walk far and far away.
I wish to run faster than a wind and dive deep into dark pools where misty water lies down.
To see all wonders once again what I lost when growing up. To feel once again the dance within bonfires and call upon the strong infinite power at my will. Finally I could spread my wings and flew through the Cosmos.

Sleep under the seaSunnuntai 27.01.2013 04:33

Do you ever have that feeling that when you'll go to sleep you just fall in very deep trench?
I've had those kinda experiences sometimes, but now it was as major as it probably ever will be. Three times I've sleep the same dream.

I went to sleep early. I wasn't tired, but I felt sleepy.
In my dream I was somewhere alone in lonely island. There was beautiful sunset and I wanted to go last swim in the big and vast ocean. The water felt wet and warm, my feet sanked into the sand and I saw little fish swarming around the reefs.
Suddenly when I was away from shore the tide catched me more further, it felt like someone was pulling me away from the shore. Then sudden pull and I fell.
I was dropping through the water and the ocean levels, deeper and deeper. Then it was dark. I hit the ocean bottom and there was cold. I couldn't see anything, but I felt that I wasn't alone in there.
Funny fact. that I could breath there easily.

After while my senses took over and my sight get better. I was standing near big and old ruins. Seaweed was floating around me when I took few steps forward those ruins. It was like a Palace of someone or something? I walked inside the watery ruins and felted that keen eyes were watching me.
Inside the ruins there was wide hall and bones and remains were on the floor.
Stone gurads stood over the walls of the wide hall and there was deadly silence. Towards me I saw a woman. She was standing in there holding an old book. She took a glance at me and said in husky, deep voice: "This is the third time that you disturb the peace of my sleep!"
The woman disappeared and the doors back of the hall opened. Inside that other room came out gigantic being with tentacles and huge tail. Monster looked at me with purple eyes and then I woke up.
This freakin' dream that I've had already three times, repeating itself, but the woman says everytime different number. last thursday the woman said: "Why do I bother her sleep?" Then: "This is the second time..." after that: "This is the third time..."
So basicly I'm just curious what happen if I just keep dreaming the same dream. The woman probably just keep repeating herself along with different nuber every count time???

Käärmeenkantajan tähtimerkkiKeskiviikko 23.01.2013 22:04

olet syntynyt marraskuun lopun ja joulukuun puoliväliin sijouttuvana
aikana; tarkalla ajankohdalla ei ole suurempaa merkitystä kuin
viranomaisille ja sinulle ja eikä juuri sinullekaan sadan vuoden
kuluttua. Kosmisesti ottaen se on hyttysen silmänräpäys - Auringon oma
kierros Linnunratamme keskustan ympäri kestää 250 miljoonaa vuotta.
Olet tälläinen:

Onnenkivesi: vihreä smaragdi.
Onnenlukusi: 4, 23, 48.
Elementtisi: vesi.
Planeettasi: Saturnus.

Olet tiedonhaluinen tarkkailija, sivustakatsoja joka näkee muita
enemmmän; huomiot kuin vaivihkaa ihmisten motivaatiot ja asioiden
perimmäiset tarkoitukset. Se tekee sinusta myös herkän, omiin
ajatuksiisi vajoavan, sillä hienotunteisuutesi estää sinua sanomasta ja
loukkaamasta muita - kärsit mielummin sisimmässäsi ihmisten itsekkyyden
kuin neuvot muita.

Syntymähetkelläsi sait Saturnukselta luovaa mielikuvitusta ja
Jupiterilta voimaa, pitkäjännitteisyyttä; aurinkokuntamme suuret
planeetat varjelevat sinua ja antavat sinulle taidon hymyillä itsellesi
ja nauraa tarvittaessa vaikeuksillesi. Tuon vuoksi saat valitettavasti
kanssaihmistesi kateuden, mutta ymmärrykselläsi kestät senkin -
vaikkakin yksinäisin kyynelin.

Joskus mittasi kuitenkin tulee täyteen, et jaksa pitää tyyntä
ulkokuortasi, ja silloin Marsin syntymähetkesi aspekti pääsee näkyviin.
Olet pelottava ja häikäilemätön suutuessasi; sitä kohteesi kutsuu
pitkävihaisuudeksi, sillä terävä muistisi pääsee oikeuksiin, mutta sitä
se ei ole, koska pystyt elämään tässä hetkessä etkä murehdi varsinkaan
muiden menneistä. Annat vain tulla kaiken mikä mieltäsi rassaa, mikä
mielestäsi toisessa ärsyttää. Ja useinmiten olet oikeassa. Siksi sinun
purkauksesi otetaan vastaan nöyrin mielein. Sitten kun se on ohi se on
ohi. Et pyytele anteeksi vaan hymyilet ja olet kuin ei mitään olisi
tapahtunutkaan. Se saattaa hämmentää muita, mutta sinut todella tuntevat
arvostavat suoruuttasi, sillä he myös tietävät että murehdit
yksinäisyydessäsi kun loukkasit toista.
Ja he ovat oikeassa siinäkin.

Sinulle parhaiten soveltuvia ammatteja ovat rakennusten, siltojen
suunnittelu ja maanteiden pariin liittyvä työ. Viihdyt luonnossa ja
sinun on vaikea ystävystyä sisällä nyhjöttäjien kanssa.
Terveytesi on lahja Merkuriukselta, olet niin terve että sinua milteipä
hävettää kuunnellessasi kavereitten sairaskertomuksia. Mutta vatsasi on
sinun arka paikka, sinun tulisi tarkkailla ruokavaliotasi ja välttää

Seksielämäsi aloitat keskivertoa myöhemmin, sillä haluat tarkkailla ja
kuunnella muiden kokemuksia, ettet itse pettyisi. Mutta kun sen sitten
aloitat se jatkuu hyvin voimakkaana läpi pitkän kokoelämäsi. Ja sekin
saa aikaan kateutta ja mustasukkaisuutta muissa, sillä olet himokas ja
nautinnonhaluinen ja kaikki eivät ole yhtä luonnonlapsia ja estottomia
kuin sinä. Et petä etkä aiheuta kohtauksia etkä mene kolmanneksi, mutta
kaikki haluaisivat sinut. Ja sitten kun olet saanut tarpeeksi
seikkailuista otat sinua miellyttävän ja olet hänelle uskollinen - kuten
on kumppanisikin sillä hän on lumoissasi. Parhaiten tulisit toimeen
taistelevan Jousimiehen kanssa ja merkillistä kyllä myös jääräpäisen
Kaksosen luona.

Kaiken kaikkiaan olet ihminen joka muistetaan hyvällä ja saat muiden
varauksettoman ihailun. Sitä ei estä edes joskus pikkumaisuuksin menevä
tarkkuutesi rahankäytössä ja nuukailusi vaateostoksissasi. Monet ovat
salaa kateellisia kekseliäisyydellesi vaikka kaveripiireissä sille
Tämä selittää paljon minusta. Ihanaa <3

"Terra Erdboden and Mineral."Sunnuntai 13.01.2013 16:55

It was four thousand years ago when Terra went away and cast herself in deep sleep. She left the her heir and daughter alone in the universe. Mineral is one of the legendary Saints and decendant of the First One.
Mineral is the mother of crystals and gems, also demigoddess of fertility and nutrition. When Terra is in sleep Mineral keeps the world in balance of nutrition of soil.
Terra is Mineral's teacher and friend. She always look after her from far away and guards Mineral's actions.

"So you think that Mineral can aid me when I meditate with crystals? And how I contact her?"

Alchima draw a circle in my rooms floor and went stand in it. Then she took every crystals fragment in her hands and put them on the floor. One candle for each crystal and then she lit them up.
The light were bright in my room of darkness. She put her hand on every candle and took fragment in her.

I could feel the change in the air, it was breeze of wind, but there was no window open. I watched when Alchima worked along with the circle and suddenly I sensed very old and powerful being in the room. I felt her hands on my shoulder and my sight blanked.

After wards I remember gaining my sight back three hours later. My hands were warm almost hot, but when I touched the crystal fragments I could feel the vibration through them clearly. It was blessing of the Mineral.

"New time of Aquarius"Perjantai 04.01.2013 00:31

I was standing on high of the pillar of light. There I could see everything, know everything, feel everything and there I was on high. I could do anything and yet I was too bored to do nothing. So I left from the pillar and went into a new borns Garden, there was Hayalet, she was in gown of red and blue gathering roses of the death. Bella Morte's Roses were blooming near the Worship House, where the Primordial Deaths lurks around.
"Shaytanya, good to see you here, You rarely do any visits here. So what is in your high and divine mind?" I heard Thana Crisser greeting me. Who was leader of the seven sisters of Demi goddesses of Death.
"I too bored to do anything - I answered - I'm just too high of knowing and doing. Everything what I wanna accomplish is done by an eye blink. I suspect you know something about soon to be happen?"
Thana looked at me with tense face with no impression and she waved her head towards to Garden pillars.
"I am aware that you know everything when you turn your sight to it. But you haven't yet to looked at ruined planet near corner of this magnificent universe. There is said to be many things yet to explore and all most every sister of Death are there - She showed up this image of little planet and I instantly saw it's future and course of life - I hear that planet is about to sift to four-D."I wanted that! I left Thana's side and rushed away.

Spirits ScienceLauantai 22.12.2012 05:10

"When it was over?"
" I think it went by just moments ago..."
"Where? I cannot see it!"

"Three Primordial Entities"Perjantai 21.12.2012 19:48

In the ninth realm of ninth Octave, there are three the most powerful beings that are so close to joining into the ONE.
First there were CHARADES, tenth daugther of D'vine, the Empress of Nothingness. Mortal name was Esmaryl De Lamia and now CHARADES is everything that was and is, but the entity cannot be what will be.
Second place is filled by entity from PUREDENTY which is the pure being of both light and darkness. Genderless being made by ancient civilization for they own gain, but PUREDENTY was stronger than they thought.
Third one is the strongest, The High Goddess- or High God - that doesn't matter be cause that not relevant.
Three Primordial Entities has three reflections of themselves, you might call them as shapes of true nature. The first and second has already giving theirs mortal emotions away, but the third one kept its mortal soul stored inside the Collective mass energy. Three shapes of the strongest one are Mortal soul, Mass energy and the third shape is called Collector or Consumer. Doesn't matter is energy positive or negative if Collector would pass by it will be collected.

"And I thought that the World would end! This minor planet where these mortals cannot even decide common rules or even go by them!" In the darkness some one spoked. She was the Plague the Legendary Saint of destruction.
"Soon maybe..." The darkness spoked back to Plague
Alchima the wise was in the border of eternal darkness; "Plague?" She called.
Flash of green fire came front of her and Plague standed there.
"What the Wise one want?"
"Here are guest for you - say hello to your mother." Alchima the wise said and then left from the border of darkness.
"Is that waht you want my child?" the mother asked from her child and the Plague stood still. Quiet.
"I want out from here. You were the one who imprisoned me so long ago here. I wanna go and play."
"AND I shall greet your freedom." The mother said and suddenly Plague and her baeutiful mother were together in space and Plague saw minor planet from a far away.
"There you shall meet some one who shall teach you very valuable lesson. He is mortal and she knows many things about us."

" When I raised my hand in the darkness it lit up. I thought it was little weird, but then I met some one from my dreams. He was tall and strong look in hes face. I was standing in the cemetery near my home, be cause I wanted to see ghosts or wraiths.
He came near me and then bowed before me, greeting me with odd tongue. Sounded so familiar and yet I couldn't bring memories in my mind.
I tried to leave but the man kept following me, then he said something in most common tongue in our planet and I understood him. He placed he's hand to my forehead and I was awakened. Bright light lit my mind and I realized why he was there and why I'd to come here too."