


JAPANI 30.6-20.7 <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.10.2008 15:12

You're so happy now
Burning a candle at both ends
Your self-loving soothes
And softens the blows you've invented

Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our sins
And we'll pray that there's no God
To punish us and make a fuss

Crack's healing up
Future soul forgive this mess
You wait twenty years
And wind up alone, demented

Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our sins
And we'll pray that there's no God
To punish us and make a fuss

Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our sins
And we'll pray that there's no God
To punish us and make a fuss

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