
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Ahhahahaha thx facebook ~Keskiviikko 08.09.2010 01:02

"A husband and wife were trying to set up a new password for their computer. Her husband put 'mypenis' and the wife fell on the ground laughing cause it said, "Error. Not long enough." "
"A girl needs a blood transfusion, so her boyfriend gives her his. Months later they break up, and he wants his blood back. So she hands him a tampon and says she'll make monthly payments. "
"Little Red Riding Hood didn't listen to Mama, Pinocchio was a liar, Robin Hood a thief, Tarzan wore no clothes, and Snow White lived with 7 men(the slut). These are the stories our parents told us and they complain that our Generation's MESSED UP!"
"The kids next door have challenged me to a water fight... I'm just updating my status while I wait for the kettle to boil"

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