I've always considered a promise to
really be a promise. Actually, it doesn't even have to be a promise, it's enough that
we've talked about it, seriously, not just to pass our time. And when it comes to
traditions, I think that no matter what, the f-ing traditions are ment to stay as traditions!
I know that I get frustrated easily and to be honest, that frustation turns into anger so easily. It wares off quickly too, but I will
always remember the things that made me angry. And I'm completely aware that the subject right now is so
childish and stupid to be angry about, but I-just-can't-get-over-it!
If you
ever make someone's plans harder to execute, you definitely should-not-ever-cancel. Someone maybe changed his or hers plans so that
you could come along. First you yourself asked if we could be with you more often and now you're suddenly just not that interested. And I know,
I know, things change, I can't expect the world to stay the same forever, but still,
c'mon, you maybe all happy that you've got other plans but you still
shouldn't mess with other peoples plans. Not when we already talked about these plans.
Now I have watch a Disney movie to get back to the good mood I was in..
Even my spaghetti is turning against me..