


Smile and pretend it's all right

Oh there's so much to say..
but it's worthless to open my mouth..oh so many things to see..
but you're deaf and blind...ur not heartless but you're wild..

If I could only save you from the bitter disapointment.
I could be your god.. And heal u whit my love.
Saving you is my mission and my gun is love...
I would bandage your wounds and kiss you on the mouth..
I do anything to heal you just because of love.

I want you to see how pulchritudinous u are..
I wan't you to hear how sweet is your voice...

How they don't understand you're the one.. my only one.
I can heal you.. yes I can heal you..
How they can't see u are meant to be whit me...
you are meant to be whit me..

If i could only save you from the bitter disapointment.
I could be your god.. And heal you with my love.
Saving you is my mission and my gun is love.
I would bandage your wounds and kiss you on the mouth..

If i could only save you from the bitter disapointment.
I could be your god.. And heal you with my love. Saving you..

Saving you is my mission.
I could be your god.. and love is my gun...
I kiss you on the mouth.. feel the perfect love....
Feel the perfect love..

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