
In flames - the chosen pessimistTorstai 15.01.2009 22:28

Tell me which side I'm on
Approaching constant failure
Tell me which side I'm on
(Who is friend or foe? )
Approaching constant failure

Between love and hate
Which path to follow?
How can I keep balance in this race?
Come faith, I'm dying (slowly)

In many ways I'm the burden that devides us from the light
In many ways you're the halo that keeps my spirit alive

Play the good or evil part
With me, you evoke the dark
Erase the free will and watch me heal

Tell me which side I'm on
Approaching constant failure

Between love and hate
Which path to follow?
How can I keep balance in this race?
Come faith, I'm dying...

Amused by the trials and tribulations
If I survive I fly from here
But as the chosen pessimist

I carve my name in stone
I carve my name in stone

Amused by the trials and tribulations
If I survive I fly from here

How can I keep balance in this race?
Come faith I'm dying...

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