


pills don't help but it sure is funny

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 18.06.2010 07:29

Stranger: guess seeing dicks is not as bad for you as for me though ^^
You: haha :D yeah i think so too :D
Stranger: haha, maybe you even like it ;) xD
You: but every man who show her dick in omegle is usually very old....and its ...ugly
Stranger: haha, too bad for you ;)
You: hah :D
You: what is your scooter mark?:D
Stranger: peugeot :P
Stranger: bet you'll see a young, good looking dick one day ;)
You: .....
Stranger: haha xD
Stranger: wanna see mine ? ^^
You: what your girlfriend like if you show your dick for random people on omegle...?
Stranger: yea :)
Stranger: she thinks its fun :)
You: omg
Stranger: haha
Stranger: was that a no ? ;)
You: yes it was..sorryy D:
Stranger: haha, boring person :D
You: no im not :D
Stranger: first you complain about all dicks being old, then you refuse to see a young one ? xD
You: sorry but i dont want see anyone dick XD
Stranger: haha ;) you can watch it then tell me what you think about it and bee as mean or nice you want to xD
You: are you sure that i like boys and dicks..?maybe i m lesbian?
You: :D
Stranger: so lesbians cant look at dicks ? :) you know, just give a boy an opinion ;)
You: why you want show our dick for me?
Stranger: get your opinion xD
You: it
You: okay,its normal?
You: are you happy now?XD
Stranger: yup :)

Stranger: does your friend want to see ? XD
You: she see same thime whit me :D
Stranger: haha, what did she think ? :D
You: she think that its goos
You: good*
Stranger: haha, kiitos ;)
You: haha :D
You: okay,maybe i go to sleep now...good bye :)
Stranger: bye
Stranger: :)

joku ruotsalaine poika halus väen vängäl näyttää miulle munasa :D

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