


Those five words in my head are screaming: are we having fun yet?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.03.2008 16:58

sanoit olevasi kestävää kuin kallio,
et antaisi kennenkään mua vahingoittaa.
mutta ymmärrät kai ettei kalliokaan ainiaan selviä.
vaikkei se kokonaan tuhoituisikaan,
niin aika sitä kuitenkin vääjäämättä muuttaa.
vuodet sitä hiljaleen kuluttaa
ja pelkään että sinulle käy samanlailla,
vaikka tiedänkin, en halua, tämä kaikki kuitenkin joskus katoaa.
mutta en jaksa ajatella enempää, ainut jolla nyt on väliä,
on vain ja ainoastaan sinä...

seether, breakdownKeskiviikko 27.02.2008 14:37

The sun is gone and the flowers rot
Words are spaces between us
And i should've been down in the rivers i've found of token lost
And i should've been down when you made me insecure

So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause i'm so much more than meets the eye

And i'm the one you can never trust
'cause wounds are ways to reveal us
And yeah i could have tried and devoted my life to both of us
But what a waste of my time when the world we have is yours

So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause i'm so much more than all your lies

Hate me, break me down
So break me down
So break me down
So break me down if it makes you feel right
And hate me now if it keeps you alright
You can break me down if it takes all your might
'cause i'm so much more than meets the eye

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.02.2008 15:24

haluun vain unohtaa,
unohtaa sen kaiken mikä mua satuttaa,
sen kaiken mikä saa mut kärsimään ja katumaan...
haluun unohtaa sut,
tai itse asiassa en haluais... en jaksais,
en pystyis, enkä enää kai edes välitä...
mut miks sä pistit mut kärsimään?

yö on ja kello tikittää,
mut vain yksi on yössä hereillä,
minä ja hiljaa itsekseni nyyhkytän...
en ois milään halunnut uskoa,
sun kylmiä, tappavia sanojas...

mä vaan valehtelinkin itellini,
valehtelin että meistä viel joskus tuliskin jotain,
nyt vain pimeys jakaa tunteeni,
yö sulkee mut syliinsä ja ohjaa mut omaan maailmaansa
ei päivän valoa,
ei julmaa totuutta...
vain minä ja mun katkeran suloiset uneni...

olit mun koko maailmani,
vaan sokea olin ja kaaduin...
suon keskellä vievää polkua seurasin,
niin kapeaa ja mutkikasta polkua,
kunnes kompastuin...

kuolema vetää mua syvyksiinsä,
unohdus sulkee mut pian julmaan syliinsä,
olin sulle vain yksi muiden joukossa,
ja luulin olisin sulle se ainoa...

kaulaa myöten hukuksissa,
ei mikään mua enää pelasta,
viimeinen henkäys ja ahdistava,
kasaan puristava tunne...
se on nyt loppu ja viimein nukahdan,
voin toivoa vain että joskus kai muistat mua...

hoist the coloursTiistai 26.02.2008 15:23

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we'll roam.

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Some men have died
and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
– with the keys to the cage...
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green!

The bell has been raised
from it's watery grave...
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your sail toward home!

Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Moulin Rouge -Come What May Keskiviikko 20.02.2008 01:07

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may
Come what may

I will love you until my dying day
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

seether- like a suicideSunnuntai 10.02.2008 00:26

Premeditation will kill the trust
They'll never know if you fear me
With every second collecting dust
I feel so bloated and weary
'Cause she belongs to heaven

She's coming over like a suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip. AS BEFORE!

She'll cut you down with a single thrust
She's taking over too quickly
No medication can cure the lust
So say a prayer for the sickly
'Cause she belongs to heaven

She's coming over like a suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip. AS BEFORE! AS BEFORE!

You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!
You set me up to fucking fail this time!

She's coming over like a suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip as before
Another overbearing suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip

She's coming over wearing genicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip as before
Another complicating suicide
And its the same old trip, the same old trip. AS BEFORE! AS BEFORE!

Seether -Driven UnderMaanantai 04.02.2008 02:05

Do you think IÂ’m faking
when IÂ’m lying next to you?
Do you think that I am blind
nothing left for me to lose?
Must be something on your mind
something lost and left behind
Do you know IÂ’m faking now?

Do you know IÂ’m faking
when IÂ’m lying next to you?
Do you know that I am blind to everything you ever do?
Must be something on your mind
something lost for me to find
Do you know IÂ’m faking?

Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before, oh man

I guess you know IÂ’m faking
when I tell you I love you
I guess you know that I am blind
to everything you say and do
Must be something on my mind
thereÂ’s nothing left for me to hide
Do you know IÂ’m faking?

Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before, oh man

We have to succumb to the feelings we can never face
I need you. I breathe you.
I canÂ’t go through this all again.
We have to succumb to
the feelings we can never face I need you.
I breathe you. I canÂ’t go through thisÂ…

Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before

Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before on him
Then she told me she had a gun
it sounded like sheÂ’d used it once before, oh man
Then she told me she had a gun
she says she wants to use it on me nowÂ…

... kommettia kiitos...Perjantai 01.02.2008 00:09

Jokaisesta aamusta jokaiseen iltaan,
jokaisesta päivästä aina seuraavaan.
Sinua vain yhä odotan,
vaikken tiedä kuka oletkaan.
Etkö tunne niitä ajatuksia,
etkö kuule niitä kaikkia huokauksia.
En haluaisi enää odottaa,
voisitko mut vain pois täältä kantaa.
Kai saisit mut ikuisesti omaksesi,
jos vain tulisit luokseni.
Haluaisin sut vierelleni saada,
haluaisin tuntea sun kosketukses iholla.
Tule, hymyile, kosketa,
kuiskaa korvaani ja rakasta.
Kuka ikinä oletkaan,
sua täällä jossain odotan.
Missä ikinä asutkaan,
tiedäthän että sua rakastan,
ja toivon; löytäisitpä luokseni pian.

let me be your wings...Tiistai 29.01.2008 21:48

Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you far beyond the stars
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours
Anything that you desire
Anything at all (Anything at all)
Everyday I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall

Let me be your wings
Leave behind the world you know
For another world or wondrous things
(Wondrous things are sure to happen)
We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings
Fly with me and I will be your wings

Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall

Let me be your wings
(Let me be your wings)
Let me be your only love
Get ready for another world of wondrous things
(Wondrous things)
We'll see the universe and dance on Saturn's rings
Heaven isn't too far
Heaven is where you are
Stay with me and
Let me be your wings...

muistotTorstai 24.01.2008 23:59

kuinka usein palaa mieleen ne asiat, joista aina riideltiin,
kuinka paljon aikaa kuluikaan turhanpäiväisiin kiistoihin.
sanoja sanojen perään, muistot kirveltää,
haavoja vielä lisää auki revitään.
kuinka paljon silloin mukamas toisiamme tunnettiin
ja silti vain enemmän ja enemmän toisiamme satutettiin.
enää ei kuitenkaan muistella niitä aikoja ja hymyilään kun jossain tavataan,
kai muistot aika alkaa vaurioita korjata,
se kaikki tuntuu nyt ihan oikealta.