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Dream SorcererPerjantai 05.06.2009 19:51

Phoebe: You want a man who is single, smart, endowed?

Piper: Employed.

Phoebe: Oh, sorry, employed. A man who loves sleeping in on Sunday, sunset bike rides, cuddling by a roaring fire, and late-night talks. A man who loves love as much as you do. Wow. You're a romantic.

Piper Halliwell: Yep. Your turn. You want the sexy, silent type that finds you driving through town on the back of a Harley at 3:00 in the morning. A man who appreciates scented candles, body oils and Italian sheets.

Phoebe: He's about hunger and lust and danger and even know you know all this, even know you know he'll never meet your friends or share a holiday meal with your family, you still can't stay away. And he recycles.

Piper: He recycles?

Phoebe: Yeah. And I think it goes without saying we both want a man who is well employed.

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