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homoutta ilmassaSunnuntai 15.04.2007 14:07


What are AoiÂ’s strong and weak points?
Kai: He is always very gentle. But may be thatÂ’s for me only. (smile)
※Extra – AoiÂ’s expression: (smiling shyly)

homojaaaaaaaaaa. :---))))<3

Kai: Sometimes Aoi will give up voluntarily when itÂ’s almost there. I hope he can keep it up.

TOI KUULOSTAA IHAN JOLTAIN MUULTA KU MILTÄ SEN PITÄIS. "joskus aoi lopettaa just ennen huippua :(((( toivottavasti se saa munansa pystyyn"

Here is the corner of instant dialogue.
Kai: Will I disturb you when I am at your home?
Aoi: Not at all.
Kai: When I went playing at Aoi’s home, he told me “may you stay there awhile for me?”. May he has no interests in me?

homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo

Uruha: Why did you stop wearing your navel piercing?
Aoi: The skin there was getting thinner. It felt dangerous so I took it off.


Is there any difference when itÂ’s just two of you instead of all being together?
Kai: He is unexpectedly caring. Aoi would come checking on me when I was working on the computer and asked me “What do you want to eat? I will go get it.” Then he would go buying it for me. I am really touched by his gentleness.
Ruki: I just understand it today, you (Kai) are so easy to feel lonely.
Kai: I am very easy to feel lonely.

yksinäinen kaippelo :c

Uruha: He started showing of his forehead recently, I was thinking “Oh, that’s lovely!”



Reita: I have known him for a long time. We met each other at the suburb soccer club. My first impression of him is just “what a blushing”. (laugh)

reita tykkää kun urre punehtelee :)

Kai: I hope he can have more interest in me. No matter what I talked to him, I found his face was just emotionless. It would be fine to tell me “It’s boring” if he felt like that, but he had no reaction at all.
Reita: Ahh! I am so sorry for that. How come Uruha has no interest in Kai? I am sorry if he said something bad, Kai kun. I will talk about this with him.
Kai: I will count on you then~~~
Reita: May be Uruha is too self-paced. And it takes him so long in the shower, it takes long time to dry his hair, long, long, long, why is everything takes him so long?

... . .. .. . . .

Aoi: I want to know why Uruha likes to occupy the bed everytime when he stay overnight at peopleÂ’s home?
Uruha: Because human beings are meant to sleep on the bed.
Aoi: Why does the owner of the bed has to sleep under the bed?


Is there any difference when itÂ’s just two of you instead of all being together?
Ruki: Scrupulous. He has high tension when everybody is around.[Japanese refer “tension” as vitality rather than nervousness.] If he says I am chiyu-kei[治癒系: Type of person that can comfort the others, their existence can make the other feel relax.], then I am his pet rolling on his bed. (laugh) And please bring me to somewhere fun more often like the old times.


Reita: Uruha is the only one that can talk world affair with me, thatÂ’s the topic that the others wonÂ’t talk about. We talked about the war ardently some times before, and it changes into a malicious talk of the other members.
Ruki: Really?
Aoi: WhatÂ’s that about?
Kai: Just as expectedÂ…Â…(sweat)
Reita: ThatÂ’s right. So you guys would better put a bug on us!
The atmosphere is embarrassed. (smile)
Reita: Okay, okay. Of course we wouldnÂ’t say something like that, we love you guys so much.

:---) rakkausorgia kiitos

What makes you feel cool of Uruha recently?
Ruki: He has been more attractiveÂ…Â…
Hum? No more illustration?
Ruki: Because he looked terrified staring at me~~~(sweat)


Aoi: I always think he is stiff by observation. But he became more attractive and desirable on stage now. I wonÂ’t give in to him.

...SEKSIKKYYSTAISTO TÄTTÄRRÄTTÄTTÄÄ aoi, voit voittaa vain jos strippaat lavalla ! 8( ... :)

At last, please say a sentence to Uruha.
All: We love you.
Reita: We talked a lot of this and that, but those are all comments of love.
Ruki: We wouldnÂ’t have said that much if we donÂ’t love him indeed.

ne lakastaa 8(


What is your first impression of Kai?
Ruki: Different from the feelings of now, I thought he was gloomy.


Reita: I will start from the weak point. There is some problem with his brain in summary, I can’t even find a word to describe his forgetfulness. We have asked him if he forgot something before and he answered “No”, but actually he did forget something secretly. Forgot to lock the car’s door when going to the convenience store for example, it’s just unforgivable. The good point is that he is easy to bully and he won’t get angry after that.

"sitä on hyvä kiusata :)<3

Reita: Kai always calls me “Rei chan, Rei chan.” when it’s only two of us, which is a little disgusting. (laugh). But we are friends who can talk everything with the others, I hope we can go on like this forever.


At last, please say a sentence to Kai.
Reita: We have said a lot of this and that, but itÂ’s just because we all like Kai kun.
All: Kai kun is loved.

kai-kun is lovededed.

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