No, oli täs yks päivä tylsää ja kattelin ja luin lempibändejeni/ artistejeni haastatteluja. Ne on sekopäitä. Kaikki :DD
"As long as the music is still there, and as long as the people are still buying the music, then, then it's OK. When they stop stop buying our records, then I'll say goodbye and do something else, become a strip artist or something."
-Freddie Mercury, Queen
My Chemical Romancen Frank Iero:
Camera operator: "Have you read the new Ellen DeGeneres book yet?"
Frank: "Mhmm. Yeah."
Camera operator: "How was it?"
Frank: "It made me a lesbian. I only date girls now.”
Camera operator: "I can't hang with that."
Frank: "You need to have an open mind, my friend."
"Birds...scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth...but sadly we don't speak bird."
-Kurt Cobain, Nirvana
"People accuse us of being a boyband, and I'm like, 'Boy band?! But I'm fat!' "
-Patrick Stump, Fall out boy
"Turn the other cheek too often and you get a razor through it."
-Johnny Rotten, Sex Pistols
....siinä muutamia... mukavia tyyppejä ;) <3<3<3