
;) ;) ;)Maanantai 06.01.2014 01:27

I am woman, hear me roar!
In numbers too big to ignore.
And I know too much to go back an' pretend
'cause I've heard it all before.
And I've been down there on the floor.
No one's ever gonna keep me down again!

Oh yes I am wise,
but it's wisdom born of pain.
Yes, I've paid the price,
but look how much I gained.
If I have to, I can do anything!

I am strong!
I am invincible!
I am woman!

You can bend but never break me
'cause it only serves to make me.
More determined to achieve my final goal.
And I come back even stronger.
Not a novice any longer,
'cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul

I am woman watch me grow.
See me standing toe to toe.
As I spread my lovin' arms across the land,
but I'm still an embryo,
with a long long way to go,
until I make my brother understand.

I am strong!
I am invincible!
I am woman!

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