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Red Hot Chili Peppers - HeyLauantai 01.05.2010 23:40

Oli ihanaa eilettäin kun oottelin kyytiä rautatieaseman eessä

ipodista tuli shufflella RHCP -Hey, satoi vettä ja maassa oli isoja vesilammikoita ja oli jotenki pysähtyny hetki ku juniakaan ei kulkenu tai ihmisiä näkyny

kävelin sitte yksikseni siellä radan viertä fiilistellen~


Won't somebody come along
And teach me how to keep it alive?
To survive.

Come along and show me something
That I never knew in your eyes
Take away the tournicate

I used to be so full of my confidence,
I used to know just what I wanted and just where to go
More than ever I could use a coincidence
But now I walk alone and talk about it when I know

Hey, oh yeah, how long?
I guess I ought to walk away,
Hey, oh yeah, so long...
What you gonna do today?

I don't wanna have to, but I will,
If that's what I'm supposed to do
We don't wanna set up for the kill,
But that's what I'm about to do

Later on, I'll cut you off when you're screaming into the phone.
Hard to own.
Anyway, I wanna let you know that everything is on hold
What you gonna do to me?

You used to be so warm and affectionate
All the little things I used to hear my fairy say,
But now you're quick to get into your regret
I'll take the fall and now you got to give it all away.

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